What is a Prayer Journal?
A prayer journal allows us to focus on our relationship with the Almighty as well as the Universe to reflect on the prayers that we have learned. From giving thanks to asking for support, there are plenty of different ways to approach prayer. Kids can learn the art of prayer one page at a time with a dedicated prayer journal.
A beautifully crafted prayer journal for kids in a fun color. Fun interior to make it easy to journal in for 8-10 years old.
Writing in a journal can be a valuable tool for children to cultivate their spiritual connection and develop a personal relationship with a higher power through prayer. Journaling allows children to express their thoughts, feelings and desires in a private and introspective space it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and can deepen their understanding of their spirituality.
A Prayer Journal For Kids | Devotional Journal with Prompts For Kids | A Daily Prayer Journal to deepen your relationship with the lord.
A beautifully crafted prayer journal for kids in a fun color. Fun interior to make it easy to journal in for 8-10 years old.
Gift Journal, Prayer, And Devotional Journal For Kids. Journal your worship and praise of God. Journaling is a powerful way to reflect on God's blessings and cultivate a heart of gratitude. This book is a perfect gift for your kids. The Lord loves you, so let your kids show their love for Him!
A beautifully crafted prayer journal for kids in a fun color. Fun interior to make it easy to journal in for 8-10 years old.
Writing in a journal can be a valuable tool for children to cultivate their spiritual connection and develop a personal relationship with a higher power through prayer. Journaling allows children to express their thoughts, feelings and desires in a private and introspective space it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and can deepen their understanding of their spirituality.